Tools & Methods

SuJok is a new practice of acupressure and acupuncture treatment, using a variety of methods to stimulate points only in the hands and feet.  This stimulation of energy points can be done by only fingers, any rounded and pointed object, seeds or various other tools and therapies.

SuJok is an integrated therapy, using many trusted methods of other systems, but on its own body map.

Acupuncture, Acupressure, Color Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Magnet Therapy, Reflex Therapy, Massage Therapy, Seed Therapy, Moxibustion, Chakra Therapy, Yin / Yang Therapy, Five Element Therapy, Nail Therapy, Finger toe Therapy, Energy Flow Therapy, Joint Therapy, Number Therapy, Mudra Therapy, Twist Therapy, Six Ki Therapy, Smile Meditation, Smile Yoga, Time & Tri Origin Acupuncture etc.,  are all used alone or in combination for different problems.

The most important thing is that all these points are located on both hands and feet so that the entire treatment can be done by locating the points on just one hand or foot. Also, each organ has more than one point and to be energized.

Tools/Implements/Instruments used in SuJok Therapy :

SuJok relies on a number of implements to locate and energize the problem points. Once you have located the corresponding  point you need to stimulate it using any of the following SuJok Tools/Instruments:
 Diagnostic Pen/Jimmy, Micro needles, Inserters used for inserting needles, Micro Magnets, Bar Magnets, Chakra Magnets, Roller Massagers, Ring Massagers, Micro & Mini Moxa, Seeds and many natural materials are used for this therapy.  

 Also, if not available the above professional tools, one can use the following usual objects as tools:

Blunt Pencil, Ball Pen without refill, Match Stick, Hair Pin, Twig of a tree and so on as per requirement.

Diagnostic pen/Jimmy :
This one type of tool or implement is used to find and stimulate painful points in the neuro physiologic system.This tool have a round point at one end and a roller at other end, and the round tip point finds the pain point and the roller massages it.
the another type of the diagnostic tool is a two round-tipped ends with different diameters, this tool allows the identification of painful points or areas to diagnose.

SuJok Micro Needles :
These are used to stimulate the points, 11mm sterile needles comes with a package of 100 each.

Needle Inserters :
Needles are small in size and difficult to handle, hence inserters of various types are used for inserting the needles. This Instrument is used for treating the byol meridians. Depth and angle of the insertion can be placed precisely with a specific spring mechanism. The needle inside the apparatus is held by a magnet to allow effective treatment.

Magnets :
These are most useful tools in SuJok Therapy . They are used for Point healing therapy as well as flow energy therapy. There are different kinds of magnets :  

Star Magnets, used for longtime stimulation of neuro physiological points to ease the pain.

Chakra magnets, This ring-shaped magnets help to send the energy flow to the mid-point. It serves in the local treatment, as well as, in the treatment of Chakra projection.

Color Magnets/Bipolar Magnets/Bar Magnets, each magnet has a north and a south polarity. The north pole is white, the south pole yellow, are used to change the flow of the energy locally as well as in the meridians.
When the direction of the field lines of the magnet is in line with the energy flow, it produces a toning effect, the opposing direction produces a sedative effect.

Massagers :
Massagers help to stimulate within the neuro physiological system of hands and feet. these Massagers are generally rollers, and the massage rings are also available separately.

Light Impulse Stimulator :
Pulsing red light is helpful for painless therapy. Highly recommended for treating the children.

Moxa :
Moxibustion  or burning of Moxa is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy. Moxa or mug wort is an herb. It has an important role in the traditional medical systems of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Tibet, and Mongolia. Moxa is a specific treatment with heat on neuro physiological points, particularly with chronic diseases and severe pain.  
The mug wort is  usually dries and ground into fluff. It is then processed further into mini or medium sized  sticks. It can be used by burning on a stand, with acupuncture needles, or sometimes burning straight on a patient’s skin. It is heat therapy.

Methods /Treatment Procedures :

SuJok, is a complete method of  applying pressure or massaging the points on feet and palms by needles or other things.  It cures diseases without any medicines and without any harmful side effects. the technical’s and manipulations constituting the Method/Treatment procedure in  suJok are not complicated  and are  the same for all people regardless of the disease’s nature. They are as follows:

1. Selection  of the correspondence  zones of the diseased  organ  on hands  and feet.
2.  Location  of the pain  points  in the correspondence zones.
3. Creating  of  a  healing  impulse through stimulation of the pain points.

Any illness or problem in the body can be diagnosed by  finding  points and zones of high sensitivity in hands and feet. By pressing or stimulating  these points an impulse goes to area of illness to heal it. Each finger on a hand and foot is similar to whole body.


The finger has 3 parts – phalanxes. The body also has three main parts (without extremities) – head, chest and stomach. These parts are neatly separated from each other on the body and on the finger. They correspond to each other.