Treatment Methods

Treatment Methods :  Acupuncture

Needles are the first thing that comes to mind when Acupuncture is mentioned. However, as much as needles  are associated with Acupuncture, these are not the only tools or methodology for Acupuncture treatment.Treating with Colors has found to be more efficient and can be administered by a person with some basic knowledge of colors and its characteristics. There are no limitations of not having a specific tool or space or time. Sky is the limit!!

The colors are applied at a specific energy point and they penetrate skin to alter the Energy Point underneath thus providing the appropriate healing to the ailment.Once administered, the person can continue with his/her daily chores. The treatment is carried out using sketch pens or markers that are easily available in the market. However, if one is able to find natural colors which is free of chemicals or  is non-toxic, the effect would be at its best. I have witnessed instant results in patients when administered with colors with simple colors.

Colors administered are to be retained on the hand for a minimum of 6 to 8 hours a day until the disease is cured and when there are no symptoms continue the treatment for one more week and then you could stop the treatment. The duration of treatment includes 2-7 days for acute diseases 2-7 days and chronic diseases one week post the cure of the disease. Any chronic disease could take 3 months -2 yrs to get completely cured.  If the colors are washed off, one could reapply the color. Each time the old colors need to be completely washed off and then the new colors are to be applied.

The best results are experienced when applied in the presence of sunlight, however it provides good results even when applied under the light of electric lamps. Colors emit light of a certain frequency/wavelength and like other tools mentioned before, that a particular light penetrates the skin and directly affects the Energy points underneath.

Faster relief have been observed  when treated with colors with right diagnosis and on accurate points.  Colors have emerged as the most acceptable alternate therapy and have gained world-wide acceptance. Most of the research worldwide is being conducted on this methodology. We too will focus on this methodology for therapy.

Color Therapy-Diagnosis and Methodology

                       Color Therapy-Diagnosis and Methodology

Using Colors for Acupuncture

Every color emits light which is absorbed by the energy points underneath the skin. Administering an appropriate color can alter the energy point and enables very effective treatment resulting in faster healing. Of course, which color is to be chosen and where to apply are the two important considerations that will be elaborated in the book further.

Nature has colors in abundance! Flora and Fauna, everywhere it’s a feast of vibrant colors. The color of the apparel we wear many a times changes our mood. If we are in vibrant hues, our mood will be similar; while grey shade tends to make us feel dull. So to say, the direct effect of colors has been known for long, but how they would affect and most importantly which particular color affects in what manner was not commonly understood earlier.

Just look around and you will find some similar basic colors in varied forms. The rainbow and light passing through prism splits into seven common colors. Sunlight has all these colours. Every color has different effect on a living body (Plants, Animal &Human). The absence of all colors is Black.The brilliant white light that comes from the sun has the VIBGYOR. In addition to this we have added Pink to cater to the emotional aspects.


V:   Violet

I:    Indigo

B:    Blue

G:   Green

Y:   Yellow

O:   Orange

R:   Red

We can use Purple for Violet, Dark Blue for Indigo and Sky Blue for Blue, Green for Green, Yellow for Yellow, Orange for Orange and Red for Red. Additional three colors that we will use are Pink, White and Black. Most diseases are psychosomatic, which means emotions play a big role in our body and associated ailments. The most positive and beautiful emotion that the humanity responds to, is Love. Love for life, Love of a mother and so on. Love is associated with pink color. Hence, we have included Pink. White is presence of everything and all colors. Absence of all colors is Black. Therefore, the three additional colors are Pink, White, and Black.

The Complete Color – Element/Energy relation is illustrated below:

Color-Energy or Element Relationship

Color-Energy or Element Relationship

The above list defines colors for enhancement. Enhancement means stimulation of the energy point, to increase or stimulate energy flow along a Meridian or to stimulate an Organ.
Tranquilize is just the opposite of it – it means reducing. Tranquilize or dispersion. To tranquilize, we just use the next color in the list, i.e., Indigo for Aakash, Blue for Vayu, Green for Agni and so on.


Enhancement using colors with body semblance – Yang side :

Colors for enhancement – Back or Yang side

Stimulation of Energy Point Using Colors with Body Semblance - Yang Side

Stimulation of Energy Point Using Colors with Body Semblance – Yang Side


Tranquilize’ using Colors with body Semblance: Yin Side

Tranquilize: reducing or dispersion of the energy point; to reduce or disperse energy flow along a meridian or to stimulate an organ

Colors for Tranquilize – Front or Yin Side

Tranquilize: Using colors with Body Semblance - Yin Side

Tranquilize: Using colors with Body Semblance – Yin Side


Tranquilize using Colors with Body Semblance: Yang Side

Colors for Tranquilize – Back or Yang Side

Tranquilize: Using colors with Body Semblance - Yang Side

Tranquilize: Using colors with Body Semblance – Yang Side


Color Chart for 10 Elements with Enhancement and Tranquilize

Color Chart of 10 elements

Color Chart of 10 elements