Diagnosis & Treatment


With a probe (a rounded tip device like a Diagnostic Pen or a Ball Point Pen without refill), press on various points on the designated  zone of organs on a palm. Initially many points seem painful. At some points you will feel intolerable pain. That is the trouble point you have to energize.


Stick massage:
A diagnostic stick with which pressure could be applied is used. A matchstick, toothpick or ball pen may also be used but they should be not sharp. The point is  massaged by rotating the stick clockwise and anticlockwise till the pain disappears. If the point could be correctly and perfectly identified then we can massage 2-3 minutes after every 3 hours till cured.

Massage with Rollers, Balls and Ring:
With a massage roller , massage balls or rings many points can be dealt together. In elastic ring massage the ring is placed on the finger, or ball held in the palm. Massage by moving them till the area becomes warm and red. This procedure is done in few hours gap within 24 hours time.

Magnet method:
The magnet should be arranged on the most painful point with sticky tape.The magnet has southern and northern poles. If your condition becomes worse, change the orientation of the magnet to opposite side.

Seed Therapy:
We know about the force of sprouting seeds. It can push itself up through solid ground. This latent natural energy is used in therapy. The seeds are pasted by a sticking plaster on required point. They are changed every 24 hours. Different seeds are used for different afflictions. The seed therapy is very effective against chronic diseases and certain pains, especially in joint pains .The seeds could be either placed singly over the effected area or may cover to the entire painful portion.

Applying Heat (with Moxa):
Heat application or fomentation is traditional treatment for many pains. Sujok also applies heat through Moxa sticks.  

Using Color Therapy:
Diseases connected with external manifestations may be healed by color therapy. Treatment by color has a good effect to heal skin diseases.

If malady appears only by reddening without swelling and pain, it should be treated by black color.

If illness is accompanied  by swelling, itch, weak passing pains, treat by green or dark blue colors.

If complaint is with significant but not constant pains and event of erosion, treat with red and yellow colors.

If illness is accompanied by constant pains, or the appearance of ulcers, and the affected area gets a gray-black      color, treat by yellow and red colors.  

To apply color therapy it is necessary to paint the points of conformity by a marker of definite color.


You may observe the effect in few minutes or even seconds.

Wrong application never harms the person-it is just not effective. The Method is Universal. With Sujok, it is possible to treat any part of a body, any organ, any joint, and any illness.

Your palms and feet, your knowledge is always with you. It is easy to remember major points and follow the shape of body.  The special tools developed for Sujok therapy are usually used, but if you do not have them, it is possible to stimulate bio active points with the help of a toothpick or a match stick.

Treatment success is almost permanent if the practitioner completes full course of treatment and patient brings about changes in life style (exercises, yoga, meditation, etc.) and food regulation.

There is no need for any precautions to be taken during the treatment. Since the therapy is most natural and curing only the natural forces in and around the body it is one of the safest therapies.

It is useful for both medical and non medical persons. Any lay man/woman can learn it in a short time and use it for self healing or even to help others.




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