Significance of 10 Colors

According to the book ‘Color therapy’ by Azeemi:

Light, Heat, Energy and Colors of the  bright waves produces effective vibrations in the tissues of mankind and animals. This vibration affects the tissues of the body. Few particular colours affect the particular parts  of the body, as given below.

Body Pan Its Related Color
Heart Red
Liver Yellow
Thyroid Blue
Lungs Orange
Eye Sky blue
Pancreas Violet
Mucus Glands Indigo
Pituitary Gland Violet
Spleen Purple
Gallbladder Purple
Gonads and Ovaries Purple

Every  disease can be treated using the colors that have been known to Human. Proper usage of colors restores the immune system  of the patients. A premature born baby, kept in the incubator, with adequately supplied oxygen and violet light, completes his/her growth swiftly.

Sun is an important source  of vitamin D, Sunlight contains other vitamins as well and every vitamin is associated with its particular color.

Its Related Color
A Yellow
B Green
C Lemon
D Violet
E Violet
K Indigo

Basically the colors can be produced either by letting  the white-light  pass  through  a medium  like water or prism or by using other methods to produce colored lights such as using the bulbs or letting the light pass through colored window pans. But as far as obtaining the colorful  material  object is  concerned we have to mix pigments or dyes  whether these are achieved from the natural resources or prepared artificially using the synthetic chemicals.

All the colors whether these are the colors obtained from combining spectral  lights or these are the paints to paint a work of art or the dyes to dye a piece of cloth. they emit vibrations of one or the other frequency.  These  vibrations  cause  the   feeling  of warmth or coolness.  The wavelength of the red is the longest of all the spectral colors, which produces the vibration of the lowest order. The wavelength of the violet is the shortest and it causes a highest vibration. Frequency of red waves produces heat, the blue gives cool effect and the green is the color that is known for its moderation and balance. The density of the red confines the movement and the rate of its vibration whereas the blue, because of its lightness, brings openness in the atmosphere.

Colors have been broadly classified into three categories; hot, cool and moderate. Red, orange and yellow and all their shades are hot colors. The blue, sky blue and violet are cool colors, whereas the green is neither hot nor cool.  If the disease is considered to be the result of excessive heat in the body system  then the cool colors are applied, And, if the disease is due to lack of heat or is a result of coldness in the body system  then the hot colors are used for the treatment. for example, low blood pressure  and paralysis demand red.

Properties of 10 colors can be studied as the properties of both psychological and the physical.


The Associated Physical Element is Aakaash (Sky or Space or Ether).

Violet is a combination of red and blue in equal ratios. In its highest vibration it represents good motives, elevated spiritual aspirations and enhanced concentration of the soul. It is associated with prosperity, wealth, and increased productivity.Violet is  the fastest vibration among the  rainbow colours fading  quicker than any other. It is the color of aesthetic  values.  If this color  is lacking  in a person’s composition,  he cannot appreciate beauty and the higher values.

Violet color stimulates the spleen, upper brain, glands of the body including the gonads and bones. It depresses the  lymphatics,  heart  muscles  and  motor  nerves. Violet is calming in cases of mental illness.  It controls irritability, reduces hunger, builds leukocytes and maintains ionic  balance especially of potassium and sodium. It is used for treating the following ailments and disorders:

Bladder problems,  bone-growth  dysfunctions, cerebrospinal meningitis, concussion, cramps. kidney diseases, mental illness. scalp diseases. sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, obesity. benign and malignant tumors. leucorrhea, diabetes.  gonorrhea  and venereal and sexual diseases etc.



The Associated Physical Element is Vayu (Wind).

A tinge of red mixed into the sky-blue produces the indigo. It is electric, cooling and astringent. It  is parathyroid stimulant, a thyroid depressant, a blood purifier,  a phagocyte builder and a  haemo static  (it stops or reduces the excessive bleeding). 

It promotes muscular tonicity, respiratory depression and hypnotic-like insensibility to pain. Indigo rays  control the psychic currents of the subtle spiritual  bodies. They also control  the brain vibrations and influence vision. hearing, and smell on the physical, emotional and spiritual planes.

 Indigo color helps in repairing the wear and tear of the brain and body cells. It reduces the deterioration of the cells and tissues of the body.  Lack  of this color in  the  body system, generates anger and heated temperament. It represents the healing crisis of the natural healing art where old toxins and wastes of physiological system are flushed out of the body to make room for the new tissues.

The effects of the sky blue and indigo resemble a lot, because both are basically blue. Sky blue is more cold than indigo and is used in indications where the coldness of lesser degree is required to be applied. The disorders that require the application  of this Indigo color, include:

The  purification of blood, hyperthyroidism, mental illness, nasal diseases, nervous ailments, convulsions, deafness. delirium tremens, dyspepsia, eye and ear diseases, nose bleed. obsessions. throat diseases etc.


The Associated Physical Element is Agni (Fire).

This Blue color is found in aluminum, cobalt, zinc. lead, and fish and poultry meat. Besides, the grapes, peaches and plums. This color is associated with the upper  portion of the body; head,neck,face and shoulders.  It  is  the coldest  of all  the colors  and, therefore, it is used to terminate the negative effects of the red and the orange colors.

Blue is the color of heavenly consciousness. truth, harmony, calmness and hope and for these very reasons is considered to be a spiritual color. Blue is a quieting color. Blue is the balancing and harmonizing color that returns the  bloodstream  to normal.  It  reduces nervous excitement, is astringent and can be absorbed from the environment during meditation and spiritual expansion. It relaxes the mind.

This color as compared to all other colors is, more significant for its effects and importance. this Blue color is an antidote for the red vibrations.  The blue vibrations increase the metabolism, build vitality, promote growth of the body and brain cells. slows the  action of the heart and act as a tonic on the body in general.. They have antiseptic properties. contracting potencies for muscles and  blood vessels and a soothing  and cooling effect on inflammations. It is used in treating fevers, burns, cataracts and eye inflammations, high blood pressure. headache, heart palpitation, tooth Infections, insomnia. epilepsy,jaundice.

This blue color is contraindicated  in  the  following disorders:, Colds. gout. paralysis. rheumatism.


The Associated Physical Element is Jal (Water).

This color is mostly found in nickel, chromium, cobalt, platinum, chlorophyll, vegetables and the fruits having green coverings. In its chemical characteristics, it is neither acidic nor alkaline. It is associated with the skin and cancels the negative effects of red. This color exerts a very strong action against inflammations, jaundice. and kidney infections.

Green is soothing, healing,peaceful and cool in its positive aspects. It is a restful  balm for people who are weary in body and mind. Green has great healing power. On its negative  side. it represents  selfishness. jealousy and laziness.

Green has the combination effects of blue and yellow. It is cool enough to be restful, yet warm enough to be friendly. This color in its positive vibrations helps in controlling the tension, nervousness  and emotional attitudes.

Green builds muscles, bones and other tissue cells. It relieves tension, lowers high blood pressure. acts as a hypnotic upon the sympathetic nervous system. dilates the capillaries and stimulates pituitary. The vibrations of this color disinfect bacteria, virus and other germs.  It is known for healing of infected wounds, ulcers and controlling high blood pressure. It has a soothing and cooling effect for inflammations.

The  diseases  that  can  be treated  using  this color include: hay fever. typhoid. ulcers, venereal diseases. hemorrhoids. insomnia, irritability, laryngitis. malaria, malignancy. hyper stimulation, syphilis, and hepatitis and liver disorders.

It not only heals the sun burnt skin but also cures the itch. It shows remarkable effects for treating the wrinkles and other problems of the skin.


The Associated Physical Element is Prithvi(Earth).

Gold, calcium, nickel,  zinc, copper, platinum, sodium. phosphorous, carrots. golden  grains, bananas, pine apples, lime, lemon. gray fruit and the fruits of yellow covering have yellow color stored in them.  This color is associated with the organs of the digestive  system  and is used to cure the ailments and disorder of the digestive system. It cancels the negative effects of the violet and purple Colors.

Yellow stimulate the mind.  It helps in increasing concentration. Backward and retarded children seem to learn faster in rooms painted yellow.

Yellow is the best of all the treatments for the ailments related to with stomach. It helps in improving the digestive system, and relieves from the gas problems, benefits in diseases of liver, piles and diabetes. Yellow fruits  and  vegetables tend to act as laxative to the bowel and calm the nerves.The shortage of this yellow color in its respective center results in diseases related with the stomach and digestive system and its excess is one of the causes of fevers.

At the gastrointestinal tract for short periods, it acts as a digestive aid, for longer periods, it acts as both a purge and laxative. It helps in eliminating  parasites and worms and stimulates  the flow of bile. It has a stimulating, cleansing, and eliminating action on the liver, intestines and skin. It energizes  the alimentary tract, purifies the blood stream, activates the lymphatics and depresses the spleen.

Conditions contraindicated for using the yellow color includes,  acute inflammations, delirium, fever, heart palpitations and over-excitement.



The Associated Metaphysical Element is Kaal (Time).

This color is found in iron, calcium, nickel, fruits of orange peels including carrots, gourds, apricots, mangoes, peaches, etc. It is mainly associated with the nervous and respiratory system and is used for treating the disorders related to with these systems. It nullifies the negative effects of dark blue shades.

To develop the will-power and  to treat the nervous  weakness, this color has special effects. It stimulates creativity and ambition along with energetic activity. But, excessive exposure to orange can produce nervousness and restless behavior. It is a color of nourishment.

Being a combination of red and yellow, it gives a hot impact. It improves the working of thyroid glands. depresses the parathyroid, helps in absorption of calcium in the body and is beneficial for the lactation in  mothers.  It not only helps in digestion, but also benefits in colds and pneumonia. It expands the lungs, It has an antispasmodic effect on muscles, acts as a mimetic and increases the pulse rate.

Asthma, cough, bronchitis,  respiratory problems, epilepsy and diseases  of lungs,  tuberculosis, gout, dysentery and the ailments resulting from gastric problems rheumatism, and arthritis including piles can be very easily cured by using this color.

It also acts on spleen and pancreas  to help assimilation  and circulation. It greatly helps in overcoming  mental exhaustion, Tumors, both benign and malignant melt away under this color. Kidney  problems, prolapsed  uterus  and the  menstrual difficulties can be easily cured, when this color is used.

Contraindications for orange are insomnia, fevers, over excitement and delirium.


The Associated Metaphysical Element is Disha (Direction).

This color is found in iron, zinc, copper, potassium, oxygen, sugar, beet, radish, spinach, tomato, red cherries and in fruits that have skins of red color. It is associated with blood and bloodstream.  It cancels and nullifies the effects of blue and its various shades.

Red is the color, which stimulates emotions, stirs senses, and evokes passions. It is associated with power, energy, vitality and excitement of life. In its positive aspect, red stimulates strength. joy, happiness and love It is the primary color of fire. Deep red of scarlet is a stimulant for the animal nature of the baser physical  passions. The crimson of blood represents the suffering elements in life.  The gentle pink gives rise to mother-love vibrations. The negative aspect of red vibration can bring out fear, uncontrolled passion,lust,excessive anger, agitation and tendency of cruelty. Red is suggested when the vitality is low, blood circulation is poor or one is not sure of oneself.

Some doctors use the color red as arterial stimulant. Researchers at the University of Texas have discovered that, athletes who concentrate on red coloring  before  participating  in  a sporting  event experienced the increase in their muscle strength. Red can bring a flush to the head in the form of blushing.

Red has the slowest vibrations of all the visible colours and it is the color of greatest warmth. It is of hot disposition with a force of creativeness. In cases of anemia, leukemia etc. if the red rays are thrown upon the backbone, the Red Blood Corpuscles (RBCs) count  increases.  If any   part of the  body  is  affected because of the paralysis,  the red light,  by  stimulating the blood circulation, can cure  such  a patient. If the light  of red color is made to fall upon the naval  and the upper  portion  of lower limbs it can restore  the working of tissues in the limbs.

When a person is supplied with the red color, the pituitary gland becomes activated resulting adrenaline inclusion in the blood. It stimulates the sensory nerves and improves the senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste and touch. It activates blood circulation, excites the cerebrospinal  fluid and arouses the sympathetic nervous system. Hemoglobin is built with red rays. Red rays produce heat that vitalizes and energizes the liver, the muscular system and the left cerebral  brain hemisphere. As a muscle  relaxant  for contractions. red’s counter irritant effects are excellent for therapeutic purposes.

Red decomposes the body’s accumulated salt crystals and thus catalyzes ionization. The ions thus created carry electromagnetic energy throughout the body. The red rays split ferric salt crystals and liberate heat.
The disorders or the conditions contraindicated for using the red color are :
Emotional disturbances, hypertension, excitable temperament, mental ailments, fever, neuritis. florid complexion, red hair, inflammation etc.



The Associated Metaphysical Element is Mann(Mind).

Pink is a sign of hope. It radiates gentleness, loving energy when embraced. Pink inspires a feeling of comfort and joyfulness.

Within minutes of sitting with the pink light, negative thoughts and aggression decreases rapidly within your being. Pink naturally cleanses the body’s blood and cleanses the mind of impure thoughts. It strengthens veins and arteries while activating and eliminating impurities in the blood stream. Pink helps with any gum diseases as well as toothaches. Pink loosen the body and decreases if not eliminates stress. Violent behavior will be decreased with exposure to pink light.

As babies, we start off in our mother’s womb. Inside the human body, everything is pink. We are surrounded by pink during these first 9 months of our lives. This is why pink is symbolic for our inner child—the pure innocence we have within us.

It is a perfect color to work with if you have PTSD or any emotional trauma that resides within your body. Trauma is actually stored within our cells’ memory. What pink does is charge our cells with the vibration that allows our body to start releasing trauma. It is a purifier. According to a critical analysis of Chromotherapy written by Samina T. Yousuf Azeemi and S. Mohsin Raza, “Some sources have reported a reduction of muscle strength in inmates within 2.7 seconds. It appears that when in pink surroundings, people can never become aggressive despite their desire because the color saps their energy.”

Pink brings relief from ear and gland problems, head pains and psychosomatic illnesses, as well as all disorders relating to children and babies. It is especially good for adolescent girls, pregnant and menopausal women.


The Associated Metaphysical Element is Aatmaa (Soul).

White, in fact. is not a single color rather it is a combination of all the colors that are found in the rainbow. It is the property of a white surface that it does  not absorb any color and it reflects back all the colors, All the seven colors are found in this color in a specific ratio. It is considered to a color of purity, because it does not allow any color to pollute it, rather it softens the stringent effects of any color when mixed with that.  Pink, for  instance,  is produced when the white is added into the red, and the negative effects of the red can thus be controlled to a great extent.

Because of this particular property of this color, it is used in such disorders where excess of a color is required to be reduced. This color is used  in treating, moral and ethical disorders like telling lies, using abusive language, kleptomania, drug addiction and violent lunatics. Use of this color in treating the psychological diseases where the mind and nerves have been affected because of exceeding potencies of colors, has given remarkable results. This color is also used for treating the prickly heat, high blood pressure, hydrosil, insanity etc.



The Associated Metaphysical Element is Tham (Nothingness or Darkness).

Black, too, is not a color by itself. It is such a color that comes  into  being when no spectacular color  is there. A black surface, after absorbing all the ray of colors, reflects back such waves, which are not visible  for our eyes. 

This color is  use in  diseases where many colors exceed their normal magnitudes. In  order to  control  the excess of many colors  in  a body, the use of black color or the black vibrations has been found very  useful. In obesity this color is suggested only because of the fact that accumulation of any  a color  is required  to be expelled from the body where these are not used properly.

Caution is  required to be exercised for using this color that during the course of using this color as soon as symptoms indicating lack of any color are noticed, that color is used besides the use of the  black color.

For instance,  during  the treatment of obesity, when the patient is made to take the black vibrations and if he starts complaining headache  or low  blood pressure then the blue or red is also to be included so that the deficiency of that color could be checked.